Elementary Band Notes
Band Notes- 4/17/2023

Band Notes- 3/12/2023

Band Notes- 3/5/2023
Band Notes-5/15/2022
Concert Information:
Our concert is this upcoming Wednesday, May 18th at 7pm. Students need to report to the Secondary Campus Performing Arts Center at 6pm. Students should wear a nice white shirt and nice black bottoms and black shoes.
Chaperones needed:
We will need two chaperones to help with the 5th grade band. Please reply to this email if you are willing to help out!
Weekly Schedule:
A/B Students will have band on Monday and Tuesday and C/D students will have band on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for the upcoming week.
Instrument Return:
If your student borrowed a school-owned instrument for the school year they need to return it to us on the first day they have band class after the concert. For C/D students it will be on Thursday May 19th and for A/B students it will be on Monday May 23rd. If your student wants to keep their instrument over the summer to practice, they can do so but we will need an email from you to confirm it.
Band Notes-5/8/2022
Weekly Schedule
A/B students have band class on Monday and Tuesday and C/D students have band class on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students need to bring their instrument and band folder to class on days that they have band.
May Concert
Our May Concert is May 18th at 7pm at the Secondary Campus PAC. The dress code is the same dress code as the December Concert, white on top and black on bottom. Students will report to the Performing Art Center at 6 pm.
Band Notes-4/25/2022
Weekly Schedule
This upcoming week A/B students will have class on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and C/D students will have class on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your students bring their instrument and folder to school on days they have band class.
May Concert
Our May Concert is May 18th at 7pm at the Secondary Campus PAC. The dress code is the same dress code as the December Concert. More information will come as we get closer to the concert.
Band Notes-4/18/2022
Weekly Schedule:
A/B students will have band on Tuesday and Friday while C/D students will have band on Wednesday and Thursday, please make sure your student brings their instrument and music to school on days that they have band class.
Homework assignment:
Please make sure your student is completing their Smart Music assignment every week. They are due every Wednesday at 11:59pm.
May Concert:
Our May Concert is May 18th at 7pm at the Secondary Campus PAC. The dress code is the same dress code as the December Concert. More information will come as we get closer to the concert.
Band Notes-4/11/2022
Below is our Whitaker band update for the week of April 11th, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Weekly Schedule
This week A/B students will have band on Monday and Tuesday and C/D students will have band on Wednesday and Thursday.
Your student has a weekly assignment due through Smart Music, please make sure that they are checking smart music so they complete their assignments on time.
May Concert
Our May Concert is May 18th at 7pm at the Secondary Campus PAC. The dress code is the same dress code as the December Concert. More information will come as we get closer to the concert.
Band Notes-4/3/2022
Weekly Schedule
For the week of April 4th, A/B students will have class on Monday and Tuesday while C/D students will have band class on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please make sure your student brings their materials (instrument and folder) to band class.
Your student has a weekly assignment due through Smart Music, please make sure that they are checking smart music so they complete their assignments on time.
Butterbraids Fundraiser
If your student has sold items for the Butter Braid fundraiser to support our music programs, please remember to have them return their order forms and money this Monday April 4th. This is the final weekend to sell! Please encourage your student to participate in the Butterbraids fundraiser. Every student that sells 10 or more Butter Braids will be entered to win a gift card to Dunkin Donuts. Fundraisers like this give the Finneytown Music Parents Association the opportunity to provide instruments, music, and other materials for our students. Every band student directly benefits from the Finneytown Music Parents Association.
May Concert
Our May Concert is May 18th at 7pm at the Secondary Campus PAC. The dress code is the same dress code as the December Concert. More information will come as we get closer to the concert.
Band Notes-3/27/2022
This week A/B students will have band on Monday and Tuesday and C/D students will have band on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please make sure students bring their instruments and band folder to school on days that they have band class.
Students received information about our spring FMPA Butterbraid fundraiser this past week, please encourage your students to participate!
Band Notes-3/6/2022
A/B students will have band on Monday, Tuesday and Friday while C/D students will have band on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your student brings all their materials (instrument, folder, packet, and Skyburst sheet music) to school on days that they have band.
We have a new website we have launched for the Finneytown Band program at tinyurl.com/finneytownbands. This website will have these weekly updates posted and you can also see what is happening around the entire band program, check it out!
Band Notes - 2/27/2022
This upcoming week A/B students will have band on Monday and Tuesday and C/D students will have band on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please make sure your student is bringing all necessary materials (instrument, folder, packet, Skyburst sheet music) to school on days that they have band class.