High School Band Notes
Band Notes - 7/12/2023

Band Notes - 5/5/2023

Band Notes - 4/17/2023

Band Notes - 3/12/2023

Band Notes - 3/5/2023
Band Notes - 2/26/2023
Hello Band Family!
We’re back with your weekly band updates! Please be sure to read all the way through. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!
Please check the calendar, here on this website for Upcoming Events!
We have received our time for Large Group Contest. We will be performing at 9:30am on Saturday, March 11. The event is held at Princeton High School. We will meet at the Secondary Campus band room and ride buses to the event. We will need a volunteer to help pull our trailer with percussion equipment to Princeton, so if you are available to help with that, please let me know! Attached to the calendar event, and to this email will be a detailed schedule for that day. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Our March Concert will be on Wednesday, Marching 15, 2023. The concert starts at 7:00pm. High School students should report to the band room at 6:30pm, with an expected performance time of around 7:20pm.
Below are the items that you need to supply for the concert uniform, as listed in the handbook:
Black Bow Tie
White Tuxedo Shirt
Black Dress Shoes
Black Dress Socks
White Dress Blouse
Black Dress Shoes
If you missed out on Butter Braids last year, you don’t want to miss out again this year! The Butter Braid sale will start this week on Thursday, March 2nd and last until Friday, March 17th! Delivery will occur on Wednesday, April 5th. More details to come!
Save the date for Saturday, April 15th, from 10am - 4pm, for our upcoming Mattress Fundraiser! Please share the attached flyer with everyone you know and check out THIS VIDEO to see how it works. We need every student to find ONE CUSTOMER. Here is the link to your Facebook event, where we will post about our products, payment options, and other event information. We ask everyone to click “GOING”, “INVITE” their friends and “SHARE” our posts. FACEBOOK EVENT LINK
The music department spends approximately $10,000 a year just to maintain and repair our school owned instruments. Students who use these instruments pay $0 for their use/maintenance.
Not only do we have to pay someone to arrange our show music for marching band, but we also have to pay to get the copyright license to be able to arrange the music in the first place. On average, these two items cost approximately $7,000 per year.
It costs approximately $3,500 for someone to write the drill for our marching band show each year.
Our color guard needs new costumes each year. Why? Because, it’s a new group of students each year, and they need custom fitted costumes that they look and feel great in, and that represent our show theme! New flags and costumes cost approximately $6,500/year
The choreography that you see our color guard members performing on the field costs us $1,500 to have someone write.
This past season, we spent $12,500 on marching band staff. Our staff members work, on average, 200 hours per season. They each make, on average, $1,500. This is approximately $7.50/hour, which is less than Ohio’s minimum wage of $10.10/hour.
The vast majority of our percussion equipment doesn’t last more than 1 season. Each year, we need new sticks, drum heads, mallets, paracord to restring marimbas, cymbal straps, and more. Each year, we spend approximately $7,500 on percussion equipment.
It costs money just to go to a contest. Each marching band contest has a registration fee, as well as the concert band festival that we attend in the spring. We spend approximately $3,000/year just to go to these contests/festivals.
We have travel expenses to go to contests. Uhaul rentals, gas reimbursements, etc. cost us approximately $3,000 per year.
These are just band expenses. We also have expenses for our Orchestra and General music programs, so that they can continue to operate successfully.
Music is expensive, but it is a vital part of a well-rounded education. We need your support, at whatever level you can offer it, for us to continue to give these amazing opportunities to our students. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
Veteran of the Week: Riley Kistner
Rookie of the Week: Joel Stegman
Band Notes - 10/1/2022
Hello Band Family!
I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful weekend! I am very proud of the work that the students put in this last week. We had our first full run of the entire show to end Friday’s rehearsal! We can’t wait to perform it for you!
Monday 10/3/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 10/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Wednesday 10/5/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 10/6/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Friday 10/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:00pm
FOOTBALL GAME PERFORMANCE (vs. Indian Hill) - 5:00pm - 10:00pm. Detailed schedule attached.
Saturday 10/8/22
CONTEST DAY - OMEA Wilmington - Detailed schedule attached.
Rookie Marcher of the Week: Richard Rankins
Veteran Marcher of the Week: Alex Grady
Section of the Week: Trumpets
Band Notes - 9/27/2022
Hello Band Family!
Thank you all for representing our community so well last week during the Homecoming festivities. Thank you to those of you who pulled trailers, tossed candy, helped with uniforms, fed our kids, pushed props, passed out water, and all the other million ways you help us. We can’t do this activity without you!
Wednesday 9/28/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 9/29/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Friday 9/30/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Saturday 10/1/22
NO CONTEST! - Enjoy the weekend! Rest, relax, and spend time with people you love!
Monday 10/3/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 10/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Wednesday 10/5/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 10/6/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Friday 10/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:00pm
FOOTBALL GAME PERFORMANCE (vs. Indian Hill) - 5:00pm - 10:00pm. Detailed schedule attached.
Saturday 10/8/22
CONTEST DAY - OMEA Wilmington - A detailed schedule will be released as soon as I receive our performance time.
Wilmington Contest
I still do not have a performance time for this contest. I received an email from the contest coordinator over the weekend saying he would send it out ASAP. As soon as I have it, I will send out the detailed schedule.
Rookie Marcher of the Week: Lydia Stegman
Veteran Marcher of the Week: Max McMahan
Section of the Week: Guard
Band Notes - 9/7/2022
Hello Band Family!
Welcome to our first contest week! I want to take this opportunity to frame for you the way that we view competition for our program. While we enjoy the competitive aspects of marching band, we believe that it is much more important for students to understand and value the process of putting together a high quality marching band production. So, while placing 1st and bringing home lots of trophies is fun, in the end, those competitive results are just a byproduct of the hard work and dedication that the students have put in so far. And, on the flip side, if we do not place 1st and bring home lots of trophies, it doesn’t devalue the hard work and dedication that the students have put in so far this season, it just means there is more work to be done, and the process is not over (it never really is…). With this view, it allows us to be supportive of other programs, and cheer on the bands that we are competing against, because at the end of the day, we are all in similar processes, working towards putting on the best performance we are capable of at that moment in time. So, as you are in the stands cheering on our Marching Wildcats this weekend, please remember to also cheer for the other schools who are performing, and help us develop a positive rapport within our marching band community that allows people to see Finneytown in a positive light.
Wednesday 9/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 9/8/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Open House Performance - Report time is 4:30pm, Performance starts at 5:00pm.
Friday 9/9/22
Xperiod Marching Band Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Saturday 9/10/22
CONTEST DAY! - MSBA Kings. Detailed schedule attached to calendar event.
Monday 9/12/22
NO XPERIOD! - Great job at Kings!
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9/13/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Wednesday 9/14/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 9/15/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Friday 9/16/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Kroger Grand Re-Opening Performance - 7:30am - 9:00am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Saturday 9/17/22
CONTEST DAY! - MSBA Taylor. Detailed schedule attached to calendar event.
The band has been asked to perform at the FSC Open House again this year. Students should report to the FSC Band room at 4:30pm on Thursday, September 8th. We will play out by the tents in front of the school from 5:00pm - 5:30pm, and then students will be dismissed. Students should wear their Summer Uniform for this event.
The band has been asked to perform for the Kroger Grand Re-Opening ceremony on Friday, September 16, 2022. This performance will take place during Xperiod on Friday. Students will load buses with instruments and go to perform at the Finneytown Kroger. Once finished, students will ride buses back to Finneytown, and resume their normal daily schedule upon arrival.
Band Notes - 8/30/2022
Hello Band Family!
An amazing summer of marching band has come to a close, and we are excited to get into the swing of a new school year! As the school year begins and students start having homework and other things that come up, we ask that you please encourage them to be organized and stay on top of their schedules and workload. It is extremely important that we continue to make big progressions from week to week, and we will have to do it with significantly less rehearsal time. This means that it is even more important that students are at each rehearsal, so that they don’t fall behind. Remember, marching band is a graded course, and attendance to rehearsals and performances is a part of that grade. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Wednesday 8/31/22
Marching Band Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Friday 9/2/22
Marching Band Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
RIBBON CUTTING PERFORMANCE - 5:00pm - 5:30pm. Details below.
FOOTBALL GAME PERFORMANCE. Detailed schedule is attached.
Monday 9/5/22
NO REHEARSAL! - Relax and enjoy your day!
Tuesday 9/6/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Wednesday 9/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 9/8/22
Xperiod Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
Friday 9/9/22
Xperiod Marching Band Rehearsal - 7:00am - 7:45am
After School Rehearsal - 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Saturday 9/10/22
CONTEST DAY! - MSBA Kings. Detailed schedule attached.
This Friday is going to be a busy one so we are keeping it simple with pizza, salad and fruit. We are looking for more volunteers to help get the props from the practice field to the stadium and then back to the field after they perform. If you are available, we’d love to have you!! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via phone/text (513.284.9731) or email (amandajangert@outlook.com).
Thanks and have a great week!
The band has been invited to perform at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Finneytown Elementary school! We are very excited for this opportunity! Since the ceremony is scheduled during our rehearsal time on Friday, we will just end rehearsal a little early and head over to the ribbon cutting ceremony. More details will be included in the Detailed Scheduled for this Friday’s game, which is attached.
The band has been asked to perform at the FSC Open House again this year. Students should report to the FSC Band room at 4:30pm on Thursday, September 8th. We will play out by the tents in front of the school from 5:00pm - 5:30pm, and then students will be dismissed. Students should wear their Summer Uniform for this event.
Rookie Marcher of the Week: Amanda Geiger
Veteran Marcher of the Week: Finn Traubert
Section of the Week: Drumline
Band Notes - 8/5/2022
Hello Band Family!
Please be sure to read all the information in this update and let me know if you have any questions!
Monday 8/8/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Tuesday 8/9/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 8/10/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Thursday 8/11/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Parent Preview Show PERFORMANCE - 6:30pm McNulty Stadium
Thank you to those of you that participated in our annual Calendar Fundraiser. 53% of our students and families participated this year, and we raised 53% of our goal.
Please consider supporting our program by participating in our first annual golf outing on August 13th. For more information, please visit https://finneytownfmpa.org/golf-outing
Our parent preview show performance is Thursday, 8/11/22 at 6:30pm in McNulty Stadium. This year, we have the opportunity to do our preview performance in conjunction with a boys soccer scrimmage! This is a great opportunity for the band community to show support to our soccer teams, as the band will perform after the JV game, and before the Varsity game. Please consider coming out to support the boys soccer teams in conjunction with the marching band preview performance of “A Winter at the Lake”!
Rookie Marcher of the Week: Braxton Payne
Veteran Marcher of the Week: Deneil Lindsay
Section of the Week: Mellophones
Band Notes - 7/26/2022
Hello Band Family!
Please be sure to read all the information in this update and let me know if you have any questions!
Monday 7/25/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Tuesday 7/26/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 7/27/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
First calendar fundraiser turn-in date
Thursday 7/28/22
Marching Band Post-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Our first turn in date for the Calendar Fundraiser is Wednesday 7/27. All donations should be entered into the google form at the following link: bit.ly/mbdonor22. Our final turn is Wednesday 8/3.
Please help support our marching band by participating in this annual fundraiser. Without your support, we would not be able to do what we do. As of now, we are at 10% of our goal. I am really hoping for a big final push this last week of the fundraiser.
Band Notes - 7/11/2022
Hello Band Family!
This update is full of information regarding band camp, and our 2 big marching band fundraisers. Participating in these fundraisers is what allows our students to have opportunities like performing on a National Stage at Bands of America. Without the financial support of our community, the experiences that we can provide for our students would be very limited. Please help us out by participating in both of these fundraisers. More information is below. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Monday 7/11/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Tuesday 7/11/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 7/11/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Thursday 7/11/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
The BAND App
One of our primary modes of communication is through the BAND app. Students are required to have the BAND app, so that we can communicate to them immediately throughout the season. This is very useful when we are at camp, contests, or football games. Parents are welcome to join, but are not required. This is a new BAND for the 2022 season, so everyone who is interested will need to join this new group as last year's will be archived. Please follow this link to join: https://band.us/n/acaf7azfR7hb6
It has come to my attention that the link for Final Forms is no longer on the school’s website. Here is the link: https://finneytown-oh.finalforms.com
The Finneytown Music Parents Association is hosting our first annual Golf Outing on Saturday, August 13th. This event will be held at the Mill Golf Course at Winton Woods. Attached you will find a flier with information on how to register your team! Even if you have never played, it will be a fun time, and it helps support our music students! We need 18 teams registered by the end of the week! https://finneytownfmpa.org/golf-outing
Hello Marching Band Family!
Our annual marching band fundraiser kicked off last week. All band members received their packet of info on Tuesday along with lots of detailed info from me Mr. Delaney has also attached it here just in case you haven’t seen it yet. We’ve also included a photo to use for sharing via text and social media. We ask that everyone work to fill their calendar, with a sponsor for each day of the month. Dollar amounts for giving make it easy for anyone to support your marcher ($1-$31).
Our fundraiser deadline is August 3rd. All money is to be turned in on that date. Here is a link for those wishing to pay by credit card (no PayPal account needed!): bit.ly/fhsmusic There’s a lot more in the attachments so be sure to open and read those.
Our most successful students in last year’s fundraiser shared the calendar and donation links to social media, texted and called family and friends, and thought of unconventional ways to reach people.
Be sure to read over the info and reach out to me if you have any questions.
We’re so excited for another great year!
Thanks for your support,
April Bruder
While the food at band camp is pretty good, these kids are working hard and using up tons of energy so they need SNACKS**. If you can help out, please use the following link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FABAA2FA6F5C70-band
Snacks can be dropped off Monday – Thursday when you drop off (or pick up!) your student or to Maggie Laird’s house (7045 Greenfield Drive) before Saturday. Not a shopper? No problem! Cash is always appreciated for those last minute items or extra treats. You can also drop this off to the band office or at Maggie’s (for safety please put in an envelope and text Maggie at 513-476-7050 to let her know you are dropping off). Prefer Venmo? @Maggie-Laird-1 is where it’s at.
**Probably self-explanatory but we’re looking for individually packaged snacks to make it easier to distribute (and way more sanitary!)
Any questions? Text Amanda Angert at 513-284-9731 or Maggie Laird at 513-476-7050. Thanks so much!!!
The band camp packing list is attached to this email. Anything not on the list that you want to bring, please run by Mr. Delaney first. Remember that anything that you are not allowed to bring to school, you are not allowed to bring to band camp. Asbury has some strict rules that we want to be sure to follow.
Band Notes - 7/2/2022
Hello Band Family!
Welcome to another season with the Finneytown Marching Band! We have a lot of new and exciting things to look forward to this season and we cannot wait to get things started! Our staff has been hard at work this summer to design and implement the best show possible for our students, and we are looking forward to presenting "A Winter at the Lake!"
Rehearsals start on Tuesday, July 5th, from 8am-12pm. All students should report to the Secondary Campus band room no later than 7:45am for attendance, so that we can begin immediately at 8am.
Below you will find several important items, so please be sure to read them all carefully. Each week, we will send the Upcoming Events for the week. As always, our full calendar can be found by visiting band.finneytown.org and clicking on “Calendar” at the top of the page. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Tuesday 7/5/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 7/6/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Thursday 7/7/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
Friday 7/8/22
Marching Band Pre-Camp (Full Ensemble) 8am - 12pm
The BAND App
One of our primary modes of communication is through the BAND app. Students are required to have the BAND app, so that we can communicate to them immediately throughout the season. This is very useful when we are at camp, contests, or football games. Parents are welcome to join, but are not required. This is a new BAND for the 2022 season, so everyone who is interested will need to join this new group as last year's will be archived. Please follow this link to join: https://band.us/n/acaf7azfR7hb6
All fees and forms are now PAST DUE. If you have not submitted these items, or communicated to us about a plan to submit them, please do so ASAP.
I must submit our final dietary needs to Asbury by the end of the day on July 5th. Anyone who has not completed all of the forms by that time, will not have submitted their dietary needs, and therefore it will not be communicated to the camp.
Final Forms is not new to Finneytown, but it is new to the band program. In working with our district office, we thought that we had it all figured out, but unfortunately, there was an issue when Final Forms transitioned to the new school year. Anyone who submitted their Final Form documents before that transition was erased out of the system. I realize that this causes a significant inconvenience for these people, and I apologize for that. Everyone needs to check Final Forms to ensure that it shows that you have signed all necessary forms for your student, even if you have done so already. Moving forward, we now know what we need to do to prevent this from occurring again, and while we recognize the frustration that this causes for our families, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
The Finneytown Music Parents Association is hosting our first annual Golf Outing on Saturday, August 13th. This event will be held at the Mill Golf Course at Winton Woods. Attached you will find a flier with information on how to register your team! Even if you have never played, it will be a fun time, and it helps support our music students!
Band Notes - 5/23/2022
Monday 5/23/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am (non-seniors only!)
Tuesday 5/24/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am (non-seniors only!)
Wednesday 5/25/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am (non-seniors only!)
High School Band/Guard Banquet 6:30pm, Secondary Campus MP
Thursday 5/26/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am (non-seniors only!)
Graduation 6:00pm Report Time, Graduation starts at 7pm
Friday 5/27/22
No Xperiod!
Enjoy your summer, and PRACTICE YOUR MARCHING BAND MUSIC! :)
This year, we will be having a banquet for all band and color guard students. The banquet will be held in the Secondary Campus MP this Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:30pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided as we celebrate a wonderful year for the high school band. We hope to see you there!
Any student who is not a senior will be required to participate in Graduation Band this year. Graduation will be the evening of May 26th, and is scheduled to start at 7pm. Students participating in Graduation band should report to the band room by 6pm. The attire for this event is nice clothes that are suitable to be worn outside.
Due to the limited number of percussion parts for the pieces being played at graduation, we only need the following percussion students for Graduation Band:
Sean Stier
Alex Grady
Jayden Kittles
Joshua Crutcher
All other percussion students are still required to report for Xperiod the rest of this week. They will be working on other things with Mr. Fronk.
FMPA still needs several volunteers who are willing to wash 5 marching band uniforms at your home. FMPA will provide specific information on how to wash and dry these uniforms, but need volunteers to assist in this task. If this is something that you can help us with, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org.
The first marching band payment, consumable fee, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The 2nd payment is due on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. This fee is paid online using SchoolPay on the finneytown.org website. All information can be found in the band handbook.
We are extremely proud of our entire Band Program! Our highly successful year ended at our Spring Concert last week. We could not be more proud of the growth we have seen in our students this year all the way from 5th grade through High School. We truly love and appreciate all of our students, and the wonderful Finneytown Community! We can’t wait to see what next year brings!
Band Notes - 5/13/2022
Monday 5/16/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Performance 7pm, Secondary Campus Main Gym
Tuesday 5/17/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 5/18/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Spring Band Concert 7pm, Secondary Campus Performing Arts Center
Thursday 5/19/22
No Xperiod!
Friday 5/20/22
No Xperiod!
Come out and support our Winter Guard at their one and only performance in the Secondary Campus Main Gym on Monday May 16th! They have worked hard on their show, so be sure to come out and see what they have accomplished!
Our Spring concert is Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The concert will begin at 7pm. High School Band students will report to the Band room by 6:50pm on May 18. As a reminder, gentlemen need their bow ties and white tuxedo shirts, and ladies need their white dress blouses.
We are in need of 2 adults who are willing to chaperone our HIgh School Band students before they perform at the May concert. If you are interested in helping us out in this way, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org.
This year, we will be having a banquet for all band and color guard students. The banquet will be held in the Secondary Campus MP on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:30pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided as we celebrate a wonderful year for the high school band. We hope to see you there!
FMPA needs several volunteers who are willing to wash 5 marching band uniforms at your home. FMPA will provide specific information on how to wash and dry these uniforms, but need volunteers to assist in this task. If this is something that you can help us with, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org.
The first marching band payment, consumable fee, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The 2nd payment is due on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. This fee is paid online using SchoolPay on the finneytown.org website. All information can be found in the band handbook.
Any student who is not a senior will be required to participate in Graduation Band this year. Graduation will be the evening of May 26th, and is scheduled to start at 6pm. Students participating in Graduation band should report to the band room by 5pm. The attire for this event is nice clothes that are suitable to be worn outside.
Congratulations to our band members of the week, the Senior Class of 2022! We are very proud of your accomplishments, and we will certainly miss having you around next year. We wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors, and we hope that you come back to visit us as often as possible!
Band Notes - 5/2/2022
Monday 5/2/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 5/3/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Percussion Camp 6pm - 9pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Wednesday 5/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Thursday 5/5/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 5/6/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Come out and support our Winter Guard at their one and only performance in the Secondary Campus Main Gym on Monday May 16th! They have worked hard on their show, so be sure to come out and see what they have accomplished!
Our Spring concert is Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The concert will begin at 7pm. High School Band students will report to the Band room by 6:50pm on May 18. As a reminder, gentlemen need their bow ties and white tuxedo shirts, and ladies need their white dress blouses.
This year, we will be having a banquet for all band and color guard students. The banquet will be held in the Secondary Campus MP on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:30pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided as we celebrate a wonderful year for the high school band. We hope to see you there!
The first marching band payment, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The consumables fee is due on Monday, May 2, 2022. This fee is paid by check to FMPA. This check can be turned in to Mr. Delaney on or before May 2nd. All information can be found in the band handbook.
Any student who is not a senior will be required to participate in Graduation Band this year. Graduation will be the evening of May 26th, and is scheduled to start at 6pm. Students participating in Graduation band should report to the band room by 5pm. The attire for this event is nice clothes that are suitable to be worn outside.
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Wesley Bruder! Wesley is having a great semester, and we will definitely miss him next year! Keep up the hard work, Wesley!
Band Notes - 4/26/2022
Hello Band Family! This week's update is packed full of important information. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Monday 4/25/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 4/26/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Percussion Camp 6pm - 9pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Wednesday 4/27/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Thursday 4/28/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 4/29/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Our Spring concert is Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The concert will begin at 7pm. High School Band students will report to the Band room by 6:50pm on May 18. As a reminder, gentlemen need their bow ties and white tuxedo shirts, and ladies need their white dress blouses.
This year, we will be having a banquet for all band and color guard students. The banquet will be held in the Secondary Campus MP on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 6:30pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided as we celebrate a wonderful year for the high school band. We hope to see you there!
The first marching band payment, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The consumables fee is due on Monday, May 2, 2022. This fee is paid by check to FMPA. This check can be turned in to Mr. Delaney on or before May 2nd. All information can be found in the band handbook.
The Finneytown Music Parents Association would like to extend all our gratitude to the students & families that participated in the Butter Braid Fundraiser. Because of your efforts we were able to raise $4520! We are so thankful to the community for their support! These are funds that will benefit music programming for students in K - 12th grades. Congratulations to the following students whose names were drawn as winners in our Dunkin’ Donuts gift card sales incentive - Max McMahan (HS), Axel Valle (MS), Hannah Hoverson (W), and Brooklyn Perry (B).
Below is the link for the band pictures that were taken for our new composite for the band room. Individual prints are available for purchase if you wish. Once you click the link, you can enter your last name. If that doesn’t pull up the photos, you can click on “browse all proofs”. https://www.teamphotonetwork.com/track/e.aspx?2182736-67671-09150EF444
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Sean Stier! Sean has been putting in extra practice on his music and is working hard to improve. Keep it up, Sean!
Band Notes - 4/18/2022
Upcoming Events
Monday 4/18/22
NO SCHOOL! Teacher In-Service Day.
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 4/19/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Percussion Camp 6pm - 9pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Wednesday 4/20/22
No Xperiod due to Testing
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Thursday 4/21/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 4/22/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
The first marching band payment, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The consumables fee is due on Monday, May 2, 2022. This fee is paid by check to FMPA. All information can be found in the band handbook.
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Sarah Spindler! Sarah has done a fabulous job this year and we are very proud of the growth we have seen in her! We can't wait to have her on our leadership team next year! Congratulations, Sarah!
Band Notes - 4/3/2022
Upcoming Events
Monday 4/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 4/5/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 4/6/22
No Xperiod due to Testing
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Thursday 4/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 4/8/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
The first marching band payment, and all forms are now PAST DUE. Please get these turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The consumables fee is due on Monday, May 2, 2022. This fee is paid by check to FMPA. All information can be found in the band handbook.
Butterbraids are due on Monday 4/4. Please sell as many as you can! The money you raise helps to support the entire K-12 music program, and helps us to offer high quality music education to our students.
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Kaleb Allen! Kaleb has been playing the Tuba for less than a year, and you can't tell! I'm very proud of the progress he has made in such a short time! Keep it up, Kaleb!
Band Notes - 3/27/2022
Upcoming Events
Monday 3/28/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 3/29/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 3/30/22
No Xperiod due to Testing
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Thursday 3/31/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 4/1/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Marching Band Fee 1 and Forms Due!
The first marching band payment, and all forms are due THIS FRIDAY! (April 1, 2022) If you have any questions, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Hasaan Peeples! Hasaan has been working on improving his playing, and he took the time to help us with some tasks around the band room. Keep up the great work, Hasaan!
Band Notes - 3/6/2022
Monday 3/7/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
Tuesday 3/8/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 3/9/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:00pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Whitaker Gym
MIOSM Concert 7pm, Performing Arts Center
Thursday 3/10/22
NO Xperiod Rehearsal
Friday 3/11/22
NO Xperiod Rehearsal
The Music in Our Schools Month Concert is Wednesday March 9th starting at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. This concert features our High School Orchestra, and the High School Symphonic Band. Come out and support these talented musicians!
Symphonic Band students should report to the HS Band room at 6:30pm.
The first marching band payment, and all forms are due by April 1, 2022. If you have any questions, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org
Our new website is up and running. Visit band.finneytown.org to get up-to-date information about all aspects of our program.
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Emilia Angert! Emilia is always on time, always prepared, and always engaged. Keep it up, Emilia!
Band Notes - 2/27/2022
Upcoming Events
Monday 2/28/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:15pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Secondary Campus MP
Tuesday 3/1/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 3/2/22
NO Xperiod Rehearsal, ACT Testing for Juniors
NO Jazz Combo, ACT Testing for Juniors
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm-8pm - Secondary Campus MP
Winter Drumline Rehearsal 6pm-9pm - Secondary Campus Band Room
Thursday 3/3/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 3/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
The Music in Our Schools Month Concert is Wednesday March 9th starting at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. This concert features our High School Orchestra, and the High School Symphonic Band. Come out and support these talented musicians!
Symphonic Band students should report to the HS Band room at 6:30pm.
The first marching band payment, and all forms are due by April 1, 2022. If you have any questions, please email bdelaney@finneytown.org
Our new website is up and running. Visit tinyurl.com/finneytownbands to get up-to-date information about all aspects of our program.
Congratulations to our band member of the week, Drew Ruffner! Drew has worked extremely hard on all of his concert band material this semester. I'm proud of the growth Drew has made throughout his time here at Finneytown! Way to go, Drew!
Band Notes - 2/22/22
Upcoming Events
Monday 2/21/22
No School (President's Day)
Tuesday 2/22/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 2/23/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm-8pm - Secondary Campus MP
Winter Drumline Rehearsal 6pm-9pm - Secondary Campus Band Room
Thursday 2/24/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Marching Band Informational Meeting 7pm - Performing Arts Center
Friday 2/25/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Monday 2/28/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:15pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm - 8pm, Secondary Campus MP
Tuesday 3/1/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Wednesday 3/2/22
NO Xperiod Rehearsal, ACT Testing for Juniors
Jazz Combo 3:15pm - 4:15pm, Secondary Campus Band Room
Winter Guard Rehearsal 5pm-8pm - Secondary Campus MP
Winter Drumline Rehearsal 6pm-9pm - Secondary Campus Band Room
Thursday 3/3/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Friday 3/4/22
Xperiod Rehearsal 7:15am - 7:55am
Marching Band Informational Meeting
There will be an informational meeting THIS THURSDAY, 2/24 at 7pm. Performing Arts Center. Planning is already underway for the 2022 season and we are excited to share details about this awesome organization with you! See you there!
The Music in Our Schools Month Concert is Wednesday March 9th starting at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. This concert features our High School Orchestra, and the High School Symphonic Band. Come out and support these talented musicians!
Jazz Combo
Jazz Combo rehearsals will begin on Monday 2/28 from 3:15pm - 4:15pm in the Secondary Campus Band Room.